The most important determinant of whether investors will incur opportunity cost is whether or not part of their portfolios is held in cash.
Another way to limit opportunity cost is through hedging.
- Maintaining moderate cash balances or owning securities that periodically throw off appreciable cash is likely to reduce the number of foregone opportunities.
- Equity investments in ongoing businesses typically throw off only minimal cash through payment of dividends.
- The securities of companies in bankruptcy and liquidation, by contrast, can return considerable liquidity to a portfolio within a few years of purchase.
- Risk-arbitrage investments typically have very short lives, usually turning back into cash, liquid securities, or both in a matter of weeks or months.
Another way to limit opportunity cost is through hedging.
- A hedge is an investment that is expected to move in a direction opposite that of another holding so as to cushion any price decline.
- If the hedge becomes valuable, it can be sold, providing funds to take advantage of newly created opportunities .