Silver Bird - Could Fundamental Analysis prevent you from investing into this stock?

Unaudited FY 2011 account of Silver Bird

2011  612.746m
2010  593.507m

2011  4.934m (Diluted EPS 1.24 sen)Thumbs Down
2010  3.655mThumbs Down

Total Asset 382.970m
Total Equity 213.424m  (Net Asset per Share RM 0.52) (Accumulated Losses 44.139m)

Net Profit Margin 0.8%Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down
Asset Turnover 1.6x
Financial Leverage 1.79xThumbs Down

ROA 1.28%Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down
ROTC 1.51%Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down
ROE 2,29%  Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down

Cash 34.699m
Bank balances 3.704m

Cash & Equivalent 38.403m 
LT Borrowings ( 24.694m)
ST Borrowings (126.772m)
Net Debt  (113.063m)Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down

CA 169.083m
CL 144.088m
Working capital 24.995m
CA/CL = 1.729m

Inventories  15.016m
Trade receivables 87.459m Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down(2010:  51.168m)
Other receivables 28.204m Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down(2010: 18.467m)
Trade payables 10.411m
Other paybales 6.732m

Net CFO (25.582m)Thumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs DownThumbs Down
CFI (6.259m)
CFF 21.125m
Net decrease in cash (10.716m)

Dividend 0Thumbs Down

Price 20.5 sen
No. of ordinary shares issued and issuable 396.387m
Market Cap 81.23m

P/E 16,5x
P/BV  0.394x
DY 0%

Stock Performance Chart for Silver Bird Group Bhd

Could fundamental analysis guide you from investing into this stock?

The answer is YES.  The business fundamentals of this company are extremely lousy and there are enough red flags in its accounts to warrant caution or avoidance of this stock.

Please click below to read the post by BENGRAM for a more detailed explanation.,39283.msg770490.html#msg770490