Value versus Price
Two Perspectives on Worth
End | truth -- intrinsic value | illusion -- marginal opinion |
Means | method of appraisal * | auction mechanism |
Terms | case-by-case | standardized |
Institution | private contracts | public exchanges |
Approach | rational, logical | arational, emotional |
Knowledge | economics | psychology, sociology |
Principle | theory of investment | ad hoc, empirical |
Result | value range | single price |
Precision | highly imprecise | highly precise |
Accuracy | within value range | outside value range |
Investment | real assets | claims on assets |
Units | operating enterprise | common stock issue |
Data Source | company reports | market-generated |
Measurement | absolute | relative, comparative |
Analysis Type | investment | portfolio of stocks |
Analysis-Units | one company | compare two stocks |
Analysis-Time | one point in time | compare two times |
Horizon | long-term (years) | short-term (minutes) |
Frequency | sporadic, on demand | continuous supply |
Stability | slow, small changes | quick, large changes |
Application | individual stock selection | stock trading |
* In contrast, the method of anticipation emphasizes earnings growth for the sake of growth rather than the sake of value. Thus, it is not recommended for purposes of estimating value. |