Value Investing - Stock Price

Stock Price  

You can’t buy any stock at any price, right? The price you pay is ultimately determines your rate of return. You want to buy cheap to maximize your earnings.

The actual stock prices consist of two parts: 1) intrinsic value and 2) variance from the human emotion and dynamic market environments. So there are two basic methods to determine the price of a stock: 1) Fundamental Analysis and 2) Technical Analysis.

  • Fundamental Analysis determines intrinsic stock prices by projecting future earnings and then applying an acceptable return on    investment to calculate the stock price. This approach is used by most traditional investment analysts.
  • Technical Analysis applies statistical charts and techniques to historical stock prices and volumes to identify the future stock price trend. It does not consider the fundamentals of the stock. The business, or economic environment as the influence of these factors is deemed to be already reflected in the stock price.